Halacha Rabbi B. Marinovsky
8:30am Mon.-Fri. @ Lubavitch Center
Maimonides Rabbi B. Marinovsky
Sundown @ Lubavitch Center
Yeshivah Collel - One on One
Study with a Rabbi where you choose the topic, time, language
and location. Topics have included: Basic Judaism,
Hebrew Reading/Comprehension, Philosophy, History, Mysticism,
Kabbala, Torah (Bible), Talmud, Mishna, Law, Guide to
Synagogue, Ethics & more.
Popular Halacha Rabbi S. Lazaroff
9:00am @ Lubavitch Center
Talmud Rabbi B. Marinovsky
9:30am @ Lubavitch Center
Talmud Class & light breakfast, Rabbi Y. Schmukler
9:30am @ Chabad TMC
Jewish Learning Institute (seasonal) Rabbi M. Traxler
10:00am @ Chabad Outreach Center
Vivendo con los Tiempos Rabbi D. Goldstein
6:30pm, Class monthly in Spanish.
Call 713-774-0300 for dates and location
Coffee for the Soul (Monthly) Rabbi D. Goldstein
10:00am @ CHAI Learning Center see westchabad.org for dates
Talmud - Class in Hebrew Rabbi B. Marinovsky
7:00pm @ Lubavitch Center
Mishna Rabbi B. Marinovsky
8:30am @ Lubavitch Center
Torah Insights Rabbi M. Traxler
2-3pm Medallion Library at 7 Acres
Mommy & Me Mrs. Chanie Lazaroff
9:30-11am @ Chabad of Uptown
Mrs. G. Barnett; coordinator
2:30pm @ Various Homes 713-777-2000
JLI Torah Studies Rabbi D. Goldstein
7:30 pm @ Chabad West Houston 281-589-7188
“Basic” Judaism Rabbi E. Lazaroff
7:30pm @ Chabad TMC
Tanya - Class in Hebrew Rabbi B. Marinovsky
8:30pm; Call 713-777-2000 for location
Jewish Learning Institute Courses (seasonal) Rabbi D. Goldstein
7:30pm @ CHAI Learning Center West Houston 281-589-7188
Mishna Rabbi B. Marinovsky
8:30am @ Lubavitch Center
Jewish Learning Institute Courses (seasonal) Rabbi M. Traxler
10:30am @ Chabad Outreach
The Parsha-Power Perspective Rabbi Feigenson
12:30pm @ Chabad of Sugar Land
Mishna Shabbos Rabbi M. Feigenson
1:30pm @ Chabad of Sugar Land
Parsha in Yiddish & Russian Rabbi Marinovsky
2:30pm @ Goldberg Towers; 713-777-2000
Kabbala Class Rabbi M. Feigenson
8:00pm @ Chabad of Sugar Land
Jewish Learning Institute Courses (seasonal) Rabbi M. Traxler
7:30pm @ Chabad of Uptown
Tuesday Night Parsha Class Rabbi Y. Zaklikofsky
7:30pm @ Chabad of Pearland 713-436-8887
Torah Studies (weekly Torah portion) Rabbi L. Lazaroff
7:30-8:30pm @ Chabad House-TMC
Mishna Rabbi B. Marinovsky
8:30am @ Lubavitch Center
Lunch & Learn Rabbi M. Traxler
12:00pm; Monthly @ SW Memorial Hermann Hospital; Allen
Parkway 713-774-0300
JLI Courses (seasonal) Rabbi Y. Schmukler
7:30pm @ Chabad TMC
Contemporary Jewish Themes & Social for Young Adults
8:30pm @ Chabad of Uptown
Mishna Rabbi B. Marinovsky
8:30am @ Lubavitch Center
Torah Insights Weekly Torah Portion Mrs. Rachel Traxler
10:30am @ The Village of Tanglewood Library 713.774.0300
JLI - Torah Studies Lunch & Learn Rabbi D. Goldstein
12-1pm @ Chabad Outreach Center. 713-774-0300
Lunch & Torah Rabbi Chaim
12:00pm Chabad of Uptown
Lunch & Torah Rabbi B. Marinovsky
12:30pm 6222 Richmond 713-777-2000
Father & Son Learning
call Rabbi Y. Vidal for details 713.777.2000
JlI - Torah Studies Rabbi Chaim Lazaroff
8:00pm @ Chabad of Uptown
Maimonides - In depth Mr. Eli Lax
9:00pm Call for Location 713-777-2000;
Parshat Hashavua - Advanced Chassidut
Danny Fishman, coordinator
9:00pm @ Various Homes; 713-777-2000
Mishna Rabbi B. Marinovsky
8:30am @ Lubavitch Center
Lunch & Learn Rabbi M. Traxler
12:00pm @ Downtown 713-774-0300
JLI - Torah Studies Luncheon Rabbi D. Goldstein
12:30 pm @ CHAI Learning Center 281-589-7188
Chassidut Rabbi S. Lazaroff
9:00am @ Lubavitch Center
Kabbalistic Insights Rabbi Chaim
9:00am @ Chabad of Uptown
Kabbalistic Insights Rabbi Lazer Lazaroff
9-10 am @ Chabad TMC
Chassidut Rabbi M. Feigenson
8:00pm @ Chabad of Sugar Land
Maimonides Rabbi B. Marinovsky
One hour before sundown @ Lubavitch Ctr
Talmud Rabbi M. Feigenson
8:00pm @ Chabad of Sugar Land
Jewish Themes for Women Rebbetzin C. Lazaroff
Two hours before sundown 713-777-2000
Stories in the Talmud Rabbi Y. Schmukler
1 hour before sundown @ Chabad TMC