Living Legacy Hands-On Educational Programs for Adults and Children

 Living Legacy | Chabad Outreach of Houston 

THE LIVING LEGACY links Jewish learning to Jewish practice and family celebrations through a series of creative and stimulating hands-on experiences and events. Children and their families are actively involved in this educational process.

The mission of the Living Legacy is to transform Jewish values and ideals into a living force in the lives of children and youth through positive experiences. Instilling the desire to live Jewishly, and to actively participate in and contribute to the Jewish community's heritage and practices, is the key goal of this program.


O ver 25 schools and organizations throughout the Greater Houston Area have benefited from The Living Legacy programs.

In total, there are nearly 5000 participants in the course of a year! *


Living Legacy is an Invaluable Resource For:

  • Raising the spirit and bringing fresh excitement to Jewish learning.
  • Stimulating hands-on programs linking Jewish learning to Jewish practice and family celebrations.
  • Experience the beauty and joy of Shabbat, holidays and festival rituals and observances.
  • Gaining an expressive appreciation for Jewish tradition through active personal participation.
  • Internalizing idea and concepts, leading to inner growth and further learning.
  • Involving parents and families in the educational process.

A Jewish Educators Dream Come True!

Programs are portable for easy transport to your school, synagogue, youth club, or other location.

Just tell us where, and well be there!

Holiday Series                                    Mitzvah Series            

 To schedule an event please contact:


Rabbi Mendy Traxler

(713) 774- 0300 

Email: [email protected] 


*Some of the organizations we visit: The Childrens Museum, JCC West, ERJCC Bertha Alyce Center, ERJCC Afternoon program, Wolf Center, 7 Acres, Beth El Sugar Land Pre School, UOS Montessori, Beren Academy, Torah Day School, Emory Wiener, Shlenker School, Cong. Shaar Hashalom, Temple Beth Torah, Young Judea, Nosh and Knowledge Teens Program (Merfish Center), Emanuel Religious School, Chabad House at Texas Medical Center, Brith Shalom, Beth Yeshurun, and more, have benefited from The Living Legacy programs.